Friday, March 2, 2007

Itchy wins!

Congratulations to Itchy Fingers who has correctly guessed that the delightfully talented soprano Cafardette Marron is playing the title role in Bizet's opera Carmen.

I would love to put a picture of Carmen up, but I'm at work and I don't think I can.

Hurrah for Itchy!


Anonymous said...


I haven't interwebbed all weekend and am presently eating breakfast at work. what a lovely start to the working week. . .

Gretta said...

last post march 2 - mmm

i'm going to have to stop looking at this blog unless some photos of spring london appear VERY soon

bring on the puffy white flesh of the native inhabitants!

gumtreefid farmer said...

not me. i will check everyday, diligently, hoping. . . *snivils*

itchy fingers said...

tuchfrau, you can't abandon us now!

one of us. . .one of us. . .